Westbay Community Action, Inc. has partnered with RI Housing’s LeadSafe Homes Program. Westbay’s Lead Center provides a Case Manager who will walk families through the application process. This program provides forgivable loans to mitigate the hazards of lead-based paint and to make your home a healthier and safer place to live. The LeadSafe Homes Program is available to homeowners and landlords at no cost to qualifying customers.
Programs and Services
Outreach and Education
The Lead Center provides community outreach and education about lead-related issues. Westbay’s case managers can make home visits to assess for lead hazards and/or provide education to families with children under six years of age with no referral.
The Lead Center offers free in-home lead assessments to any property owner, landlord, or tenant worried about lead paint hazards. Assessments are especially important for households with young children and for those who are planning to renovate.
Case Management
The Lead Center provides non-medical case management for families of children with lead poisoning. Case managers help families coordinate medical care, developmental screenings, and nutritional counseling. They can also offer assistance with housing inspections or relocation.
The program is open to families with a child with a blood lead level of 5 μg/dL (micrograms per deciliter) or higher. A referral from the RI Department of Health is required.
Additional Information
Find other lead centers and additional information for parents at the RI Department of Health.